You can generally have inlays or onlays completed in a single visit at TheDentist. At your visit we is clean and prepare the tooth for the inlay or onlay, Digitally scan the tooth, and design the inlay or onlay on our digital Cerec design software, at which point we will mill the Inlay or Onlay from a single block of porcelain in a colour that matches your tooth. Normally within the hour it will be fit and bonded.
How Long Will I Need To Spend In The Dentist’s Chair?
You can generally have inlays or onlays completed in a single visit at TheDentist. At your visit we is clean and prepare the tooth for the inlay or onlay, Digitally scan the tooth, and design the inlay or onlay on our digital Cerec design software, at which point we will mill the Inlay or Onlay […]