You can look after your own teeth, and you should be doing that anyway. A daily oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing are a must and it won’t hurt to give your mouth a good rinse with a mouthwash. However, even if you do maintain such a meticulous routine, you may not be removing plaque or tartar. Plaque and tartar are the major causes of gum disease and tooth decay. Both these problems can escalate into more serious problems and you could end up losing your teeth. By all means, take care of your dental health, but boost your efforts with a visit to your dental hygienist at least twice a year.
Can’t I Just Look After My Own Teeth?
You can look after your own teeth, and you should be doing that anyway. A daily oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing are a must and it won’t hurt to give your mouth a good rinse with a mouthwash. However, even if you do maintain such a meticulous routine, you may not be removing […]