With dentures you are constantly taking your teeth out and putting them back in again. Dentures can fall out accidentally, whereas All-On-4 teeth won’t. All-On-4 teeth are a permanent, fixed solution for those who need all or most of their teeth replaced. Once the procedure is complete, your teeth will look and feel like natural teeth. That means you will have a stunning, natural looking smile and you’ll be able to eat all of your favourite foods without fear or indecision. Best of all, no more dental adhesive or gums being irritated from rubbing against your dentures all the time.
How Are All-On-4 Teeth Different From Dentures?
With dentures you are constantly taking your teeth out and putting them back in again. Dentures can fall out accidentally, whereas All-On-4 teeth won’t. All-On-4 teeth are a permanent, fixed solution for those who need all or most of their teeth replaced. Once the procedure is complete, your teeth will look and feel like natural […]